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Is expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?


Posted - August 29, 2016


  • 5808

    sounds like it

      August 29, 2016 12:22 PM MDT

  • 2658

    @Baba..  Seems so..

      August 29, 2016 12:29 PM MDT

  • A prisoner was sentenced to death. The judge told him that he would be hanged on a day this coming work week (Mon-Fri), but he wouldn't be told which day. It would be an unexpected hanging. 

    The prisoner said: If I am to be hanged on Friday, then four days shall have passed with no hanging, thus it will not be unexpected. Therefore, it cannot be on Friday. If it cannot be on Friday, then it couldn't be on Thursday either, since three days will have passed with no hanging and I will expect it on Thursday (since I already ruled out Friday). I can therefore rule out Wednesday and the rest of the days with the same logic. There can be no unexpected hanging.

    The prisoner went to his cell confident he would not be executed. On Wednesday, however, the judge and the bailiffs came by with the noose. He was hanged on Wednesday and it was quite unexpected. ;)

      August 29, 2016 12:46 PM MDT

  • Not quite.

    I estimate probability.

    If it is remote but lethal or unpleasant I take care to prevent it.

    If it is remotely possible, desirable and attainable I work towards it.

      August 29, 2016 2:44 PM MDT